JS library : each letter of text rotate with vertical axis

Script is load on begin 
You can choose style for text, timing and time to remove text.
You can put only a line in your text

See example

In main SVG, for using effect, you have to
1) load script with <script xlink:href="textrotatey.js.gz"/>
2) reserve at the end place for design with <g id="affiche" transform="translate(100,50)"></g> by example 
3) call it with 
add_textrotatey("affiche", 'Welcome', 10, 200, 'text-anchor:left;font-size:30;font-family:Arial;fill:blue;stroke:green', 2000, 2000, 1);
in order: name of group where create text, string for text, value for text x, value for text y,  style for text, timing, time before remove in milliseconds ( -1 don't remove text ), number for use

( svgdoc must be name for SVGDocument  )